Sunday, February 27, 2011


You may be wondering why I have chosen cheese. You might also be worrying fearfully that this blog is going to be all about cheese, and it's importanceness in everyday society because it stops crime and lowers the risk of AIDs. Don't worry. I just chose Cheese, because of it's sheer awesomeness. I may put cheese into my blogs a lot, but I won't base them on it.
It's awesome just because it is. If you don't get it, you won't get it. It's like Elephant Hats. What's not to like? (I mention Elephant Hats because I got one recently. It's awesome cooked in a taco with cheese grated on top. That awesome.)
Well I'm Elvira. I made this blog. This blog is about randomness. Anything.

See? It's sometimes even about weird fishy things with teeth. I put teeth on monsters to make them look cuter.
Anyway. Be happy. Have fun doing what your doing. (unless it's something bad, like punching pigs or stomping on cheese)
Bye :)


  1. I like cheese, especially cheddar cheese. And provolone. And mozzarella. But American cheese sucks. It doesn't taste good. I hate it.

  2. Mozzarella cheese is very good, yes. American cheese sucks because of one reason (well fifty actually): It Is Not Cheese.
